On-site calibration services

Taban Control Daghigh Company does on-site calibration of equipment to improve customer satisfaction and well-being.

Advantages of on-site calibration:

  1. There is no need to transport and transport equipment from the place of use, which reduces costs
  2. Reduces interruptions in the production process
  3. Calibration of all instruments in one period

Acceptance and calibration procedures on site

1-Communication with us

-Send a list of devices
-Get calibration confirmation on site.
-Receipt you invoice
-reserve time
-Ask questions and get guidance

2-Shipping expert

-Ticketing is done according to the contract
-The presence of the expert on the appointed date

3-Equipment Calibration

-Work area preparation and calibration conditions
-Calibration of the device in the presence of the customer

4-Issuance and delivery of certificates.

-Issuance of certificate up to ten working days after the date of renewal
-Distribution of certificate after completion of financial transaction

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